Localtrade (Локал Трейд) https://localtrade.cc

Официальный сайт: https://localtrade.cc

О компании

How can I buy crypto?

  • Create account

Register with LocalTrade and gain access to unprecedented trading opportunities.

  • Choose currency

Choose the asset you want to purchase from the list of available currencies. Fees start from 0.2% per purchase.

  • Complete purchase

Enter your payment details and let our automated system take care of the rest. Funds will be deposited in a matter of minutes.

Pre-order your LocalTrade VISA card avaliable soon!

Discover a hassle-free way to pay with crypto. Available soon in selected regions.

  • No annual fees or account charges
  • Withdraw cash instantly from any ATM in the world
  • Manage your card in LocalTrade App
  • Receive cashback in LCT on your purchases

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