Global Financial Authority (Глобал Финанс Авторити)

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Телефон: +41-449746338


О компании

Our Mission

The Global Financial Authority is a conduct regulator for  over 15,000 financial markets and financial services firms worldwide and the practical supervisor of 34,268 companies that sets specific standards for thousands of other firms.

What do we do?

We aim to make markets work well for every individual and for the economy of the country as a whole.

Financial markets need to be honest, fair, and effective so that consumers get a fair deal and an excellent service.

We do this by regulating the conduct of more than 40,000 businesses. We are the prudential supervisor of 50,000 firms, and we set specific standards for thousands of other firms.

The GFA is the prudential regulator of around 1,500 banks, building societies, lending institutions, insurance and major investment firms. As a prudential regulator, it has a general goal to promote the safety and goodness of their clients.

We were established on May 4, 2013, taking over responsibility for conduct and legal relevant prudential regulation from the GFA

Why do we do it?

We are responsible for managing a sector which plays a critical role in the lives of everyone in the UK and without which the modern economy could not function. From children’s Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) to pensions, debits and credit cards, loans to investments – how well financial markets work has a fundamental impact on us all and our daily lives.

The UK financial services employ millions of people and contribute billions in tax to the UK economy. If UK markets work well, competitively and fairly, they benefit customers, staff, shareholders, and everyone in the country as well, and maintain confidence in the UK as a major global financial hub. Our role is to help make these things happen.

How we do it

Protect our consumers – we secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers and also their funds.

Protect the financial markets – we protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system.

Promote competition – we promote effective competition in the interests of consumers because with Competition, Innovation arises.

We are an independent public body funded entirely by the clients we regulate by asking them to pay fees. We are liable to the Treasury, which is responsible for the country’s financial system, and to the Parliament. Our work and purpose is defined by GFA. We work with firms, consumer groups, trade associations and professional bodies, domestic regulators, EU legislators, and a wide range of other stakeholders. With this extensive scope, we use a corresponding approach to regulation, prioritizing the areas and firms that pose a higher risk to our goal.

4 комментария к «Global Financial Authority (Глобал Финанс Авторити)»
  1. Ужас!.. Деньги ужасно плохо выводят! Создал 2-е заявки на вывод средств и до сих пор их даже не начали их рассматривать! Прошло уже 20 рабочих дней, а на мои вопросы отвечают обещаниями и новыми предложениями по сотрудничеству, а вопрос по прежнему не решается!((

  2. Paбoтaла я c этими товарищами, ecли этo мoжнo нaзвaть paбoтoй. Kaк тoлькo я пepecтaла пoпoлнять cчeт меня тyт жe cлили. После того как проревела почти неделю,так как сумма была приличная, мне помогли найти способ вернуть свои деньги, пpoцecc cлoжный, нo вoзмoжный. Еcли нyжны пoдpoбнocти звоните 7 (499) 495-13-62

  3. Служба поддержки клиентов отвечает очень долго, когда возникают вопросы. У меня был вопрос как пополнить счет наличными, ответ получил только через два дня. Сама платформа работает нормально, торгу. криптой.

  4. Это какой-то кошмар! Я зарегистрировался на сайте компании Global Financial Authority, в тот же день пополнил счет, а на следующий день этот ресурс стал недоступен! На счет завел 200 долларов. Еще ничего не успел сделать, не смог оценить функционал платформы и тут такие проблемы. Жду уже больше недели, вдруг сайт возобновит работу. Проблема в том, что узнать даже не у кого. По указанному номеру телефона никто не отвечает!

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